June 12, 2011
Today has been kind of a lazy day so I’ve got a couple of things out the way.
First off you’ve probably noticed the re-styling of the site. Feel free to let me know what you think.
Secondly; I’ve added 4 more Warhammer Quest card makers, Magic Cards, Monster Events Cards, Unexpected Event Cards and Treasure Cards. Again let me know what you think.
Filed under: Warhammer Quest — Tags: card, dungeon, magic, treasure, Warhammer quest — admin @ 4:36 pmDecember 16, 2010
I don’t know if there is much demand for customised Warhamer Quest dungeon cards, but I’ve created an online tool that allows you to create new dungeon cards. Just find the file you want to appear on the card, fill in the title, room description, any special information and room type and click upload.
If you find the tool useful let me know and I’ll look at making a tool for creating magic and event cards too.
Filed under: Warhammer Quest — Tags: card, dungeon, game, Warhammer quest — admin @ 9:09 pmSeptember 3, 2010
I’ve searched long and hard for a dungeon card to go with the dwarven anvil/forge that appeared in White Dwarf 200. In the end I though what the hey I’ll just make one instead. Below is my effort.
As for rules well I haven’t given that much thought but here are a few ideas.
Any comments or suggestions let me know.
When I started work on this card I decided it would be a good idea to put together a tool so people could make up their own cards. To that end I created the Dungeon Card Maker, just enter a few details and upload a layout and there you have it, just download the new card, print it own and stick it to some card (some cheap playing cards will do, right thickness and shape).
Filed under: Warhammer Quest — Tags: anvil, card, dungeon, dwarf, dwarven, forge, Warhammer quest — admin @ 10:40 pmHandy tools for creating the various cards the game uses, dungeon, magic, event and treasure
Create your own unexpected event cards
Create your own monster event cards
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